Thursday, November 27, 2008

..........on the Other Side 2

..........on the Other Side 1

I know I haven't posted anything in ages. I’m not going to give any excuses but I'll say two things. One, It might not have been such a great idea to introduce my camera to the concrete pavement at such a high velocity and two, the economy is not what it used to be. Those sound like excuses, don't they? :) That being said, I still get a few keepers with my broken camera.

It's been a long November for me, in this the 27th year of my life. A few significant things have happened that right now I am asking why (Enigma) and feeling helpless because for the most part, all I can do is sit and wonder (The Verve). Not a feeling I can say that I've had much experience with, but we all get to that point at one time or another I guess. What gets me through though is having support, which thankfully is there, and knowing that all will be well and that I will emerge stronger "..........on the Other Side". Looking forward to a spectacularly fine 2009 (that's my lame attempt and a rhyme :))

These two images capture my November and the future. I took the first earlier this year during summer while on the Staten Island ferry and the second was taken three years ago in Jamaica.