Thursday, November 27, 2008

..........on the Other Side 2

..........on the Other Side 1

I know I haven't posted anything in ages. I’m not going to give any excuses but I'll say two things. One, It might not have been such a great idea to introduce my camera to the concrete pavement at such a high velocity and two, the economy is not what it used to be. Those sound like excuses, don't they? :) That being said, I still get a few keepers with my broken camera.

It's been a long November for me, in this the 27th year of my life. A few significant things have happened that right now I am asking why (Enigma) and feeling helpless because for the most part, all I can do is sit and wonder (The Verve). Not a feeling I can say that I've had much experience with, but we all get to that point at one time or another I guess. What gets me through though is having support, which thankfully is there, and knowing that all will be well and that I will emerge stronger "..........on the Other Side". Looking forward to a spectacularly fine 2009 (that's my lame attempt and a rhyme :))

These two images capture my November and the future. I took the first earlier this year during summer while on the Staten Island ferry and the second was taken three years ago in Jamaica.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Progression of Separation 4

Progression of Separation 3

Progression of Separation 2

Progression of Separation 1

This series of shots has many things in common with each other, and thinking about it, I realize that I have so much in common with them. There is a lot going on, even thought it doesn't seem like it. The lines...the color movement...the physical movement...the progression of separation...CHANGES.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


I went to Battery Park a few days ago to get some shots but the weather was not very cooperative in allowing me to get the usual color saturation that i like. Since nature is the boss i had to submit, so i decided to fiddle with a little black and white instead. It's not really my thing, as you can see from the other posts here on the blog but this shot had such drama in it that i couldn't resist.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Go Green!

Well, I am a few days late for Earth Day, but since we all live here, everyday is earth day! In that spirit lets all do our part and "Go Green!". This one is doing double duty; it's a cheer for my favorite color, which has been missing in action for the last few months on the blog, and it's a reminder for us to do all we can to maintain this beauty.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

New York

I saw this, one evening as I was walking along 34th Street towards 5th Ave. The namesake of "New York". The Empire State.

Friday, February 29, 2008


This is another shot from the scene below. Another look at the beauty of a magnificent Jamaican sunset. The singular "phoenix", extinguishing itself in a fiery blaze, temporarily bidding adieu, to rise again and usher in another day.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Going Home

Took this one on my way home from the airport in Kingston. I wasn't the only one "going home".

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


The journey of life. Which lane are you in?